On the 21st March, in celebration of World Down Syndrome Day, I was invited to All Saints RC Primary School, Thirsk to deliver an aspirational assembly and an early years session about Assistive Technology and the work we do here at access: technology.

I had the absolute best time, talking to the children about human difference, our values and ethos, and what inspires us to use our talents. I had a trusty switch-adapted nerf gun to show them, which was, of course, a huge hit.

I encouraged the children to think like true gold standard AT professionals, focussing their efforts on recognising what humans can do, rather than what they can't and how this, in combination with the right tech, is where the magic happens. The children loved thinking about different switch positions and how we could make shooting a nerf gun an accessible activity for any human on the planet.

The children were so engaged, offering their really insightful experiences and asking lots of fantastic questions. We wrapped up the morning by learning 'This is Me' from the greatest showman (a school favourite i'm told) in British Sign Language, because, anyone who knows me will know I can shoe-horn an opportunity for a sing and sign into any activity! It was another great opportunity to highlight the need to consider human difference and accessibility too though... of course! :)

Click the video below to see the assembly in action!