Jack Taylor is one of our wonderful clients. He has been gaining some work experience with us over the summer and has been creating some rather excellent content! Here he is, sharing his real life experience of several joysticks, with the help of our AT Technician, Rachid.

I game every day and the heart of my setup is joysticks. Throughout the course of this post, I will outline the many variations of joystick that are compatible with the Xbox adaptive controller, and give the benefits and drawbacks for each product.

Product PositivesDrawbacks
Optima joystickThe joystick’s highly robust nature causes it to withstand the most intense games.It is sensitive, meaning it might not appeal to all gamers who have little control of movements.
ThrustmasterThis flight stick-like joystick allows it to be useful in games like flight simulators which creates a realistic experience.The stick also makes it less useful when not in the environment above making it relatively less effective.
Logitech joystickThis joystick possesses multiple other button mounts, this causes it to limit the number of external buttons needing to be installed on your setup.The robustness of the joystick is weak, causing it to be broken with intense use.
Mini joystickThe joystick’s small stature allows it to fit within a limited area for setups with a space limit.Its smaller size makes it more portable and easy to store too. There are also multiple variations for the devices allowing for different needs and situations.  The joystick’s small nature could cause it to be unusable to gamers with limited motor skills.
LipSync joystickThis joystick will allow those with limited motor skills to enjoy varied and more complex games, the joystick also features a tube, through which air can be used to control movements.Because of the joystick’s 3D printed nature the quality of the device may vary.
Analog joystickThis joystick allows control via the use of only the thumb, this allows gamers with limited motor capability to play. Because of the joystick’s 3D printed nature the quality of the device may vary. Because of the joystick’s nature it’s sensitivity may impede gameplay.
Quadstick FPS joystickThis joystick features a mouthpiece with tubes allowing gamers with limited motor capability to use their mouth to control movements.The joystick also features a wall mount allowing a more stable base.The joystick’s large size could make it difficult to store. 
Ultrastik 360 joystickThe modular design of the joystick allows for different toppers to be used, causing for different situations to be accounted for.  The joystick’s size may prove storing it difficult. 
Dpad-tts joystickThe joystick’s large topper allows it to be gripped easily by gamers with motor difficulties.  Due to the height of the joystick it may prove difficult to be stored.